If you’re at all claustrophobic, then you may want to think twice before entering a confined space to undertake a bat survey. Common surveys involve surveying under a bridge in a gallery, within a culvert or even in an attic of a steading or house. These are all confined spaces and require special equipment and the appropriate training. A number of companies offer training in Scotland and provide you with an understanding of the use of the correct equipment and the competency to take on these more challenging surveys.

The use of gas monitors and escape sets, which are portable oxygen supplies to be used in emergencies, are covered in the training. These skills together with production of a risk assessment are a pre-requisite before attempting such surveys. Defined as low, medium and high risk environments each requires specific training, techniques and equipment.

Often the timing of planned works will require the bat surveyor to inspect the structure ahead of works. Whilst bat activity surveys are the obvious first choice to determine whether bats are using a structure this is not always possible or practical.

We have 2 trained and competent personnel that have undertaken a number of surveys over the years. In some cases, sufficient information has been gleaned from these inspections to avoid the need for activity surveys and thereby avoided delays to work programmes.