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Reaching new heights...

We’ve been spending some time at height searching for bat roosts in trees on the road network. We have been focusing on hazardous roadside trees due for felling in Argyll and Lochaber from the secure working position on a MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platform). At this time of year or even in the summer this is often the most efficient way of identifying bat roost features in place of activity surveys that are restricted to the main bat activity period (May-August). This is particularly cost effective if you have a number of trees to inspect.

Bats are beginning to move about now and I’ve seen and heard pipistrelles back at their old roost here at the office. A little more heat and the insects that they feed on will be more abundant allowing them to start fattening up for the year ahead. This is a good time to start thinking about any bat surveys you are planning. Contact our bat ecologist if you think we can help. Mob 07769606515.


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