Case Studies:
Flood Alleviation Schemes
Name: Inverness Flood Relief Channel, River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme, Clifton Culvert and Portgower Culvert
Clients: The Highland Council, BEAR Scotland, John Paul Construction, RJMcLeods
Dates: September 2009 – Present
Services provided: Protected Species Survey and ECoW (Environmental Clerk of Works)
Issues and challenges: Active badger clans (3), watercourses, breeding birds, bats, trees, red squirrel, GCN and INNS,
Licence requirements: Badger disturbance and exclusion licence, Breeding birds licence to remove eggs
Solutions and mitigation: Pre-construction protected species surveys undertaken and exclusion zones established, toolbox talks undertaken to operatives and sub-contractors. Mitigation Plan and licence application for disturbance and exclusion of badgers and breeding birds.